Amy Kryston, the inaugural recipient of the UNC Institute for the Environment’s Environmental Justice Graduate Research Award, studies the relationship between on-site sanitation, health and social drivers of health in North Carolina communities. read more
The 39th annual International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications (ITM) hosted by the UNC Institute for the Environment (IE) brought more than 100 scientists and stakeholders from across the world to the Friday Conference Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, from May 22 through May 26. read more
The UNC Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems (CoFiRES) brought together professionals and students for its seventh annual strategic planning retreat at the Morehead Planetarium on Oct. 13. read more
Since the fall of 2021, the Carolina Tree Heritage (CTH) and Jim Hirschfield’s wood sculpture class have given downed trees on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus new life. CTH provides students in the introductory wood sculpting course with wood from trees that are taken down on campus, preventing the wood from ending up in landfills. read more
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